Transparent Mobile Devices: tPad


Handheld transparent devices offer all sorts of possibilities. In the context of this project, in particular for the meeting room design, they can be used in conjunction with the Solstice Pod. As shown in the above video, a transparent mobile device like the tPad has clear advantage over a regular tablet.

Meeting room environment design

The Solstice pod by Mersive allows users to collaborate by linking multiple devices to one display.


The design for the meeting room scenario took this into account. By having the display on a rotating stand users are able to actively collaborate while still being able to see each other. The integration of the solstice pod means that users are able to share their desktop without having to move from their position.

Meeting environment.001 Meeting environment.002

Zoo environment design



The enclosures used in zoos are usually just variations of glass tanks with frames. As visitors generally include children, the displays need to be accessible to them as well.

Example of reptile enclosure at a zoo
Example of reptile enclosure at a zoo

The proposed design places the Interactive Transparent Display directly in front of the glass case housing the animals and a gap is left between the display and the glass. In theory this should reduce potential distress caused to the animals by the noise from touching or knocking on the display.

Zoo environment design.002 Zoo environment design.003

Zoo display design

In regards to enclosures with curved glass such as those for aquariums, the display would still sit in front of the glass.

Aquarium tank
Aquarium tank

Zoo environment design2.001

However, the law of refraction will need to be taken into consideration to ensure that the visitor does not see an overly distorted version of the contents of the tank.

Zoo UI Design

First Wireframes of the Zoo Interactive Transparent Display design. The idea is what the user will see if at a sea world centre watching a killer whale underwater. The concept could be transferred to a vast number of different animals on land or at sea.

Initial Log on screen once user interacts with screen

zoo_wireframe_0000_StartOriginal Design displayed content on users left in order to continue to view the animal in question

zoo_wireframe_0002_Size zoo_wireframe_0001_Main InfoHowever will need to identify whether the content could be to much of a distraction in this location, therefore an alternative method is created displaying the content below the main attraction.

zoo_wireframe_0004_Horizontal Location zoo_wireframe_0003_Horizontal Main InfoThe next possible step is to create an HTML mock-up prototype of the UI for user testing. This will hopefully identify a number of potential issues and resolutions including colour over different backgrounds, whether left display or bottom display is better, is the content generally a distraction or not etc.