Microsoft Hololens?


The Hololens is quite unique but it is hard to completely define as a transparent interactive display. The lenses on the headset are transparent and allow you to interact within an augmented reality and I particularly thought this combined with business sector/concept would allow graphs and visuals to rise from anything; tables, 3D models on (glass?) walls etc. However, this would require all of the attendants wearing the device to experience the reality.

In terms of the gamification of this device I had many ideas; some of which have already been explored by Microsoft with the Hololens. Some of which include, virtual game version of games that already exist, Monopoly, Jenga etc. But such a high price tag for some board games that are already released? This would have to be applied to another medium such as; business or life in order to utilise the wearable. However these are more “ports” of board games rather than creations and the idea of this being in the same classification as our brief would have to be discussed.

Batak Light Board

Elaborating on something I mentioned in the DSP workshop, implementing a Batak Light Board onto a transparent interactive display. Though this is a very simple and basic gamification of the display, it can provide targets for the player that are purely unpredictable whereas the light board has certain hit points. Levels could get progressively harder and be separated by other games such as; matching pairs, quick fire multiplication, or a Countdown style letters are scattered across the screen and players can tap letters in order to make a word in 60 seconds etc. Having said all this, the application of these games would be best suited as an addition/application to another use of this technology rather than be solely made for this gamification. I have left the link below to the original Batak Light board with more information on the hardware and their games.

Though this Gamification could be considered as an add on application in terms of the business pod concept. How about in a classroom? I mentioned that the display could be used for children to check themselves in like a virtual register. This then could be used for Reaction tests at the start of the day if teachers wanted the children to make sure their reaction/attention span is at the best it can be for teaching. Even if the quick fire multiplication could be used during or before or after Maths? It could increase learning in a much more fun and engaging way. The same said with the Countdown word creator with English.